Medicare Coverage

Discovering what each plan covers can help you avoid high out-of-pocket costs and ensure that you get the care and medications you need from the doctors that you trust. Learn what plans cover and how you can expand coverage to get dental, vision, hearing, and other benefits.

Will I Automatically Get Medicare with Social Security Benefits?

Receiving Social Security? You’ll be automatically enrolled in Medicare. Discover how these benefits work together.Read more

How Medicare Plans Change When You’re Moving

On Medicare and moving? You may need to let your plan know to prevent coverage issues, or change Medicare plans.Read more

Need Help Deciding The Right Medicare Coverage For You?

  • Free, unbiased service
  • Compare all major plans and carriers
  • Local, licensed insurance agents with 25+ years of experience

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans

Confused about Medicare prescription drug plans? Find the right prescription coverage with information on drug costs, pharmacies, and brands.Read more

Medicare Dental Coverage

Wondering what dental services are covered by Medicare? Learn about Medicare dental coverage and how to evaluate which plan is best for you.Read more

Medicare Part B: What Does it Cover & When to Enroll? (2024)

Medicare Part B is Medicare's medical insurance. Discover what Part B covers and the best time for you to enroll.Read more

2022 Medicare Coronavirus Resources

Coronavirus resources for older adults, including information on what COVID-19 prevention and care are covered by Medicare.Read more

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